Value of 900,000 tons
Excerpt from Geologists
Midway Gold memo
Midway Gold Sample Report
Shiner Report Summary
Dr Moots Note
 Duncan Letter with Assays
Arizona Fluorspar
Fluorspar continued
U of A Bulletin #120
Dike close up
Ore with hammer
Hog Canyon South Ore
South wash Ore
South Wash
North Shaft
Right side of Adit
Mafic Dike
Quartz vein in ore
Side of Hill
Cut in Hog Canyon
South Canyon 9-2010
Ore Picture 9-2010
Ore in Hog Canyon  9-2010
Hog Canyon Ore's 9-2010
Closeup of Dike 9-2010
Ore Everywhere 9-2010
Ore again 9-10
SW side of canyon 9-10
North Adit
Gray Wall on ffar esst side
Up Hog Canyon towards spring
North side of wash
South View
More pictures to come
Midway Assay Samples

Here’s a draft of the CA that I worked on with Ginger.  There are a few things that she was quite sensitive about, but in reality, your guys would either like it or not.  It won’t take much work to decide if it needs some drilling.  To me, if I had looked at this years ago, when I was working for major companies, I would have taken a couple days to do a simple map and collect 10 to 20 samples.  Really just trying to assess the extent of the mineralization and get an idea of the value.  It’s obvious that there is gold in the system and the rocks look like they would heap leach.    The data Ginger has includes some old reports and assays for samples collected on the property – again, clearly showing gold in the system.

 Jim Kasten,



Jim Kasten has a BS and Master’s Degree in Geology - University of New Mexico - 1970 MS (Geology) - University of New Mexico - 1975 CCIM - 1999 Currently a Director of the publicly-traded mineral exploration company focused on developing both precious and base metals mines in central British Columbia, Canada. Director at Barker Minerals, employed July 1998 -Present V.P. Corporate Affairs at International Minerals Corporation, 1993-1998, Scottsdale, Arizona Precious and base metal exploration and development in the US, Central and South America. 

Matt Melnyk is Certified Professional Geologist #11540 with the AIPGOver 17 years of experience with a history of working on big discoveries
leading to over $1.8 Billion of M&A activity
Exploration, Evaluation and Production Geology, Multiple commodity and mineralization system experience: Epithermal, porphyry, Volcanic Massive Sulfide (VMS), Iron
Oxide-Copper-Gold (IOCG), rollfront, CRD, Manto, Skarn, others  Jim Kasten has a BS and Master’s Degree in Geology - University of New Mexico - 1970 MS (Geology) - University of New Mexico - 1975 CCIM - 1999 Currently a Director of the publicly-traded mineral exploration company focused on developing both precious and base metals mines in central British Columbia, Canada. Director at Barker Minerals, employed July 1998 -Present V.P. Corporate Affairs at International Minerals Corporation, 1993-1998, Scottsdale, ArizonaPrecious and base metal exploration and development in the US, Central and South America. Matt Melnyk is Certified Professional Geologist #11540 with the AIPGOver 17 years of experience with a history of working on big discoveries
leading to over $1.8 Billion of M&A activity
Exploration, Evaluation and Production Geology, Multiple commodity and mineralization system experience: Epithermal, porphyry, Volcanic Massive Sulfide (VMS), Iron
Oxide-Copper-Gold (IOCG), rollfront, CRD, Manto, Skarn, others
