Value of 900,000 tons
Excerpt from Geologists
Midway Gold memo
Midway Gold Sample Report
Shiner Report Summary
Dr Moots Note
 Duncan Letter with Assays
Arizona Fluorspar
Fluorspar continued
U of A Bulletin #120
Dike close up
Ore with hammer
Hog Canyon South Ore
South wash Ore
South Wash
North Shaft
Right side of Adit
Mafic Dike
Quartz vein in ore
Side of Hill
Cut in Hog Canyon
South Canyon 9-2010
Ore Picture 9-2010
Ore in Hog Canyon  9-2010
Hog Canyon Ore's 9-2010
Closeup of Dike 9-2010
Ore Everywhere 9-2010
Ore again 9-10
SW side of canyon 9-10
North Adit
Gray Wall on ffar esst side
Up Hog Canyon towards spring
North side of wash
South View
More pictures to come
Midway Assay Samples

Dr Moots Note
Thanks for the howdie!  I need a break right now.  As to the pictures, as I have often pulled them out and reread the paper and studied the description which you gave in the very beginning as to the geology of the property.  I find the group of pictures as being very supportive of that original statement....the evidence of tubes or shooting and phorphy  and uplift is all there pointing to hydrothermal activity and strong volcanism,,,gut says goes deep and will get a lot richer deeper.  In most instances most deposits are shallow to 300-400 ft and disappear but the faulting in the area and the shearing as well and the water levels generally to 300 ft and underground tunneling of the water channels leaves me to think this property is excellent but be cautious as it is very complex also...one must pay attention to the geology to find the wealth.  I wonder if infact the whole mountain shall prove to have fine gold as well and the stream beds are good for p lacer at some depth but may go far down stream to collect in the pocket,,,back hoe and some testing would bring the answers.  the photos showing the  chimmney and the pushing up like it was taking a crap and this stuff is all mineral not just the shoot.  barite, certain, gold, silica, copper, zinc, maybe some low silver.....getting ready to take a week in el salvador in july 21-30.....just have to get a new passport and visa  not happy about that. No one believes who I am...damn.  cheers, Al       
