Now that President Trump is in office and starting Drill Baby Drill it means we need to start Mining, he is approachable for needed changes if necessary, but already dropping Regulation that slowed things down. The United States needs to be self-sustaining in all metals. This is a chance to build your legacy. This property includes two previously worked mines. The first mine is listed in the records of the Arizona Mining Museum as "The West Brothers Mine", my claims cover the Old Garners claims and shaft. The second mine is Hog Canyon to the south, the claims cover the shaft, the Mafic Dike, ore shelf and cuts in the hill exposing a massive ore block. The property has had several names including Bishop's Knoll Mine, Hog Canyon Mine, West Brothers Mine, Old Garners Mine. I combined the two properties to form one massive property, which may also be expanded after more research is done to decide the most profitable additions. In a report on the West Brothers Gold Mine by J. Milford Shiner, E.M., he states "I do not hesitate to state, without fear or favor, that this gold prospect is one of the best I have ever examined". This is a must see to evaluate property located two hours out of Phoenix, Arizona. Geology: Precambrian volcanic pile, andesite, low-angle faulting, associated brecciation, shearing and intense alteration. Large mafic dike. Mineralization: Au, Ag, F and PGM, Hydrothermal Vein. Quartz veining in the West Brothers shaft area, together with an illite-kaolinite alteration envelope overlaying the silicified zone. Extensive brecciation in the Hog Canyon area, including both chalcedonic, calcite and silicatectonic breccia. Mineralization of significance includes wide chalcedonic ribs that parallel Hog Canyon on the north side of the wash. These ribs are roughly 20' to 30' thick and in places are sheared and brecciated. East of Hog Canyon wash lies chacedonic breccia and a jasperiod quartz which is fractured and filled with secondary silica and limonite. Partial exposures of illitekaolinite alteration zones are scattered over the property. A flat lying silicified shear zone is intersected by a near vertical quartz filled fault zone and at nearly right angles. Work: West Brothers produced Gold in the 1930's. There are two past production shafts, one exploration shaft, one exploration adit, one production drift now caved, dozer cuts and scattered hand dug pits. Some gold production by the Craig/Shumway venture (1993). Latest work was for the Forest Service (2006), returning to nature, filling of Hog Canyon Shaft and fencing of openings to shafts, and adit. Attached are J. Milford Shiners Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Report, Arizona Fluorspar pertinent pages by Arizona Department of Mineral Resources and various memos, notes and pictures of the property. You may want to read the U of A Bulletin #120 "Gold and Copper deposits near Payson, Arizona. More documents and information upon requests. Your Assays or Niton XRF analyzer will quickly show the Silver, Gold, PGM's and more upon your visit. More information available if interested. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||